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My second brain workflow
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- Vu Thanh Dat
- @vuthanhdatt
For many years, I've been using Obsidian as my [second brain]. One of it's awesome feature is Obsidian Publish. I really love this feature since it can help me sharing the knowlegde to the world. However this is a paid feature, so i find other alternative solution then end up with Quartz. It work perfectly but there is one problem. I'm using Windows as my main OS and of course Obsidian is using in Windows. For coding part, like this blog or my public second brain, I'm using WSL under Ubuntu 22.04. Therefore when I set up Quarzt in Ubuntu, it can not be linked to my Obsidian, so when I have any update in my Obsidian and also want to public it, I will need to manually add this file to Quarzt adn commit to my git repository. This is too annoy. After many search and try, I finanlly come with a solution. Let's get into it.